住吉誠 (2005)「遊離付加詞としてのthat節」『英語語法文法研究の新展開 』田中実,神崎高明(編), 27-33,英宝社,東京。


(1) What did you think would happen if you told me? That I’d tell everyone at the store? I wouldn’t have, Mike. Don’t you know that?


(4) What were the religious leaders worried about? That they gathered together their Sahedrin, their court and ...

(6) a. What have I missed? That I’ll have my own rooms?
b. Marcus considered what Gleeson might have known about him. Only that he objected to being scrutinized in the shower. What would Carter make of that? That he was right.

(6)ではmiss, make ofのような通例that節を取らない動詞がこの構文ではthat節を取っている。