
住吉誠 (2005)「遊離付加詞としてのthat節」『英語語法文法研究の新展開 』田中実,神崎高明(編), 27-33,英宝社,東京。

遊離付加詞としてのthat節(1) What did you think would happen if you told me? That I’d tell everyone at the store? I wouldn’t have, Mike. Don’t you know that?斜字体の文は、一見省略構造のように思えるがそうではない。(4) What were the religious…

Ritter, Elizabeth and Sara Thomas Rosen (1996) “Strong and Weak Predicates: Reducing the Lexical Burden,” Linguistic Analysis, 26, 29-62.

causativeの主語(causer)は、agentと異なり、動詞の表す行為を行わない。 (6) a. The psychologist ran the rats through the maze. --> The psychologists doesn’t run. b. The lion-tamer jumped the lions through the hoop. --> The lion-tamer doesn’t …

Borkin, A. (1984) Problems in Form and Function, Ablex Publishing Corporation.

<接続詞の省略と抜き出し> (Borkin 1984: 84) 副詞句 (45) a. ?Tomorrow, I think that I’ll leave. b. Tomorrow, I think I’ll leave.主語 (46) a. Mary, I believe that is genuinely ill, but John, I believe that is only fooling. b. Mary, I believ…