
McFadden, T. and A. Alexiadou (2010) "Perfects, Resultatives, and Auxiliaries in Earlier English," Linguistic Inquiry 41, 389-425.

完了形の助動詞have, beについての論文。派生的にMEにおける完了不定詞の分析をしている。 (37) a. for he was commaundyd to have londyd at Calys by the kynge b. she was rigged and ready in all points to haue gone away 主節動詞と同じ時を表す不定…

Wurmbrand, Susi (2014) “Tense and Aspect in English Infinitives,” Linguistic Inquiry 45, 403–447.

補部の不定詞の分類 Infinitive Subject Example Null Case P (&T) Landau Agreement? Future irrealis PRO decide [+tense] [+tense] [+tense] yes Nonfuture irrealis PRO try [+tense] [+tense] [-tense] no Implicative PRO manage [+tense] [-tense] [-…

Cuyckens, Hubert, Frauke D’Hoedt and Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (2014) “Variability in Verb Complementation in Late Modern English: Finite vs. Non-finite Patterns,” Late Modern English Syntax, ed. by Marianne Hundt, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

functionally motivated variation (1) a. He rebmembered to thank her for everything. b. I remember reading about it in the newspaper. non-categorical, probablistic variation (2) a. I don't regret helping her start out. b. I don't regret tha…

Nakajima, Heizo (1991) “Reduced Clauses and Argumenthood of AgrP,” Topics in Small Clauses, ed. by Heizo Nakajima and Shigeo Tonoike, 39-57, Kuroshio, Tokyo.

動名詞の統語構造について。Acc-ingはTP, Poss-ingはAgr-Pであると言っている。

Busch, Jerra Lui, Felix Schumannb (2016) "Unspecific indefinites and (non-)restrictive relative clauses," Lingua 181, 1-35.

先行詞が不定の名詞句になっている関係節構造についての論文。 parataxisは許されるが,非制限関係節はアウト,しかしdiscourse markerが入るとOKになる。 A wolf might walk into the house. It would eat you first. ?A wolf might walk into the house, w…

Mair, Christian (2006) “The 19th Century as a Critical Period in the Formation of the Modern English System of Nonfinite Complement Clauses: The Case of Remember

PEにおいてrememberの補部は,動名詞は過去の出来事を,不定詞は未来の出来事を表すとされている。 I remembered filling out the form. I remembered to fill out the form. この区別がいつ確立したのかをOEDの全文検索を使って調べたところ次のような結果…