動詞の意味と副詞 Mittwoch (2001)

Mittwoch, Anita (2001) “Perfective Sentences under Negation and Durative Adverbials: A Double-jointed Construction,” Perspectives on Negation and Polarity Items, ed. by Hoeksema, Jack, Hotze Rullmann, Victor Sanchez-Valencia and Ton van der Wouden, 265-28

for two weeks, until May 1stといった副詞句は、継続的な意味を持つ述語と共起する。
(1) a. Mary worked for two weeks / until May 1st.
b. #Mary started working for two weeks.

(2) Mary didn’t start working {for two weeks / until May 1st}.

(3) a. Mary didn’t work {for two weeks / until May 1st}.
b. Mary worked for {less than two weeks / the interval bounded by May 1st}.
c. Mary was unemployed (or idle) {for two weeks / until May 1st}.