Borkin, A. (1984) Problems in Form and Function, Ablex Publishing Corporation.

<接続詞の省略と抜き出し> (Borkin 1984: 84)

(45) a. ?Tomorrow, I think that I’ll leave.
b. Tomorrow, I think I’ll leave.

(46) a. Mary, I believe that is genuinely ill, but John, I believe that is only fooling.
b. Mary, I believe is genuinely ill, but John, I believe is only fooling.

(47) a. ?This dress, I suppose that you’ll want to wear home.
b. This dress, I suppose you’ll want to wear home.

(48) a. ?
Just who do you think that you are, anyway?
b. Just who do you think you are, anyway?

(53) a. We believe that {Fido / a beaver / any beaver / a beaver with any brains at all} is a lot smarter than any chipmunk.
b. We believe {Fido / ?a beaver / ?any beaver / ?a beaver with any brains at all} is a lot smarter than any chipmunk.

(54) a. John believes that the littlest thing throws me into a tizzy.
b. ?John believes the littlest thing throws me into a tizzy.

(55) a. They believed that from London to Paris was a long way.
b. ?*They believed from London to Paris was a long way.

 おそらく意味によると思われるが、asで始まる前置詞句の前に来る目的語がRaising-to-Object effectを見せるか否かで次の2通りのas構文があるようだ。以下Borkin (1984)より。

(91) (putatively Raising-derived as constructions)
(91) a. *Which positions does Greg refused to recognize descriptions of as being relevant?
b. *Which guru have they revealed pictures of as having been on the wall at the time of the explosion?
c. ?Who does Jack view posters of as being in bad taste?

(92) (as constructions not claimed to be derived by Raising)
(92) a. What kind of animals do they use pictures of as decoration?
b. Who would you describe pictures of as being slightly titillating?
c. What kind of activity do they destroy movies of, as being unsuitable for home viewing?

次の観察は鋭いと思われる(特に The reason is, 以下に注意)。
“As an example of this, I give the sentences in (85) and (86).

(85) a. John allowed pictures of Linda Lovelace to be circulated among the students.
b. Who did John allow pictures of to be circulated among the students?
(86) a. John allowed the pictures of Linda Lovelace to be destroyed by the censors.
b. Who did John allow pictures of to be destroyed by the censors?

Most people will dislike both (85b) and (86b). However, I predict that more people will approve of (85b) than of (86b), and that many people will judge (85b) as better than (86b). The reason is, I believe, that in (85a), the SVO string, John allowed pictures of Linda Lovelace, is meaningful in itself and is not contradicted but expanded by the rest of the infinitive clause; while in (86a), the same SVO string interpreted in isolation runs counter to the sentence as a whole.”